Top 5 words by count: crows, birds, objects, tools, such

Top 5 nouns by vec magnitude: crow, bird, brain, university, tool

Top 5 verbs by vec magnitude: use, study, make, call, evolve

For Top 5 Nouns

Similar to crow: crow, bird, difference

Top 3 preceedings for crow: Concepts: train, caledonian, response | Index: the, sponge

Top 3 post/next words for crow: Concepts: really, drop, figure | Index: and, smith-strickland


Similar to bird: bird, crows’, shell

Top 3 preceedings for bird: Concepts: compare | Index: the, team

Top 3 post/next words for bird: Concepts: succeeded., appear, sometimes | Index: and, smith-strickland


Similar to brain: brain, bird

Top 3 preceedings for brain: Concepts: crow’, mammalian, birds’ | Index: with, mammalian, different

Top 3 post/next words for brain: Concepts: imaging., cell, activity | Index: association.


Similar to university: university, network, rest

Top 3 preceedings for university: Concepts: state, auckland | Index: the, davis, long

Top 3 post/next words for university: Concepts: psychologist | Index: of


Similar to tool: tool

Top 3 preceedings for tool: Concepts: make, basic | Index: make, with

Top 3 post/next words for tool: Concepts: | Index: in, be



top 7 bigram keywords: mental processes, mismatched pair, Caledonian crows, Marzluff said, make tools, cerebral cortex, well developed

Top possibly of interest: same relationship :, same process, look the same, crows in the analogy test, same, analogy test, solve a science puzzle

Top ngrams: brain looks very similar, species face similar evolutionary, paper compared bird, instance are very good, use found objects, can’t see Marzluff, tools is greatest such

Ents No Case:
LOC: Austria, Baltimore, Davis, Kansas, Kiona, Mammalian, Maryland Zoo, Maryland Zoo ’s ravens, New Caledonia, New Caledonian crows, Pacific, Russia, corvids, crows’, nidopallium caudolaterale

MISC: Check, Clever, Earth, Lomonosov Moscow State University, New Caledonian, New Caledonian crows, Sign, Success, Twitter, corvids, crows, crows the, inbox, You, You ’re

ORG: Apple, Cambridge University, New Caledonian crows, University of Auckland, University of California, University of Cambridge, University of Iowa, University of Washington, ravens

PER: Bird, Crows, Gavin Hunt, Innes, John Marzluff, Margaret Innes, Marzluff, Nicola Clayton, Russell Gray, corvid, corvids, crows, orangutans, ravens, , ’s, , , Innes, Marzluff

Ents Yes Case:
LOC: Austria, Baltimore, Davis, Kansas, Kiona Smith-Strickland, Maryland Zoo, Maryland Zoo ’s, New Caledonia, New Caledonian, Pacific, Russia

MISC: @RescueFins, Caledonian, Dogs, Earth, New Caledonian, PET, Twitter, crows’, ’s, , You, You ’re

ORG: Apple, Cambridge University, Lomonosov Moscow State University, University of Auckland, University of California, University of Cambridge, University of Iowa, University of Washington

PER: Corvids, Gavin Hunt, Innes, John Marzluff, Mammalian, Margaret Innes, Marzluff, Nicola Clayton, Researches, Russell Gray, Innes, Marzluff

Top 5 nouns Method RRI: crow, brain, tool, bird, species
Top 5 verbs Method RRI: use, evolve, make, match, found

crow figure/press/sharpen is...careful, smart, captive
Similar: crow, figure, careful, really, smart

brain settle/evolve/study is...mammalian, surprising, similar
Similar: brain, mammalian, imaging, settle, evolve

tool craft/make/avoid is...basic, large, great
Similar: tool, craft, make, lose, meticulously

bird succeed/appear/realize is...friendly, unfriendly, good
Similar: bird, bat, succeed, sometimes, indicate

species make/face/use is...corvid, several, evolutionary
Similar: species, make, document, learn, four

Summary: Corvids use found objects. Crows and ravens are clever problem-solvers. Crows and ravens often. New Caledonian crows. New Caledonian crows even. Russia reported early this year that crows can use analogies to match pairs. The toolmaking New Caledonian crow is smart. a crow ’s brain are active. both ravens and crows. crows and ravens. tools — ravens and crows

New len 58, Original len 1992

Top phrases:
* Russia reported early this year that crows can use analogies to match pairs
* such different brains could evolve such similar abilities is surprising
* other corvid species have learned to make and use tools
* is preparing to use the same technique to study the brain activity
* Several animals use found objects to get food

phrase summ: Russia reported early this year that crows can use analogies to match pairs: crows drop objects/using analogies and symbols/choose a pair; such different brains could evolve such similar abilities is surprising: have evolved/evolved wings/is preparing to use the same technique to study the brain activity; other corvid species have learned to make and use tools: using tools to learning large vocabularies/actually make tools/making tools; is preparing to use the same technique to study the brain activity: might use/scans to study which parts/look the same; Several animals use found objects to get food: matching objects/obtaining a food reward/hide food;

Top 5 nouns Method RRI: crow, bird, brain, tool, researcher
Top 5 verbs Method RRI: use, evolve, study, match, make

crow want/make/seem is...same, careful, high
Similar: crow, state, want, researcher, object

bird see/know/look is...same, such, careful
Similar: bird, accord, one, same, recently

brain evolve/look/call is...similar, mammalian, such
Similar: brain, structure, area, evolve, similar

tool make/solve/use is...caledonian, wild, great
Similar: tool, new, make, caledonian, solve

researcher recognize/want/use is...same, early, good
Similar: researcher, object, university, iowa, lomonosov

Summary: Many scientists think that corvids — the family of birds that includes crows, ravens, rooks and jays — may be among the most intelligent animals on Earth, based on their ability to solve problems, make tools and apparently consider both possible future events and other individuals’ states of mind.. Crows and ravens are clever problem-solvers, expert toolmakers and adept social movers, but scientists haven’t reached a consensus about how corvid minds handle abstract thinking or how closely their mental processes resemble those of humans.. Researchers from the University of Iowa and Lomonosov Moscow State University in Russia reported early this year that crows can use analogies to match pairs of objects.. To reach that conclusion, the scientists trained crows to recognize whether two objects were identical or different, which the birds indicated by pressing one button when shown pictures of objects that matched and a different button when the objects didn’t match.. The researchers wanted to see if crows could figure out the relationship between pairs of objects and then choose a pair with the same relationship: matched or mismatched.. For instance, the crows in the analogy test could have simply chosen images with similar characteristics, such as objects of the same color, instead of reasoning about the relationship between the objects, to get the correct answer.. Now, researcher John Marzluff and his colleagues at the University of Washington are using positron emission tomography, or PET, scans to study which parts of a crow’s brain are active when it performs such tasks as recognizing friendly and unfriendly birds.. And he says that another team of researchers, at the University of California at Davis, is preparing to use the same technique to study the brain activity of New Caledonian crows, a species that makes sophisticated tools.. Several animals use found objects to get food, such as otters and sea gulls that use rocks to crack shellfish, and apes that use sticks to fish termites out of nests.. Although other corvid species have learned to make and use tools in labs, only the crows found on the Pacific island of New Caledonia have been found to actually make tools in the wild.. Corvids use found objects as tools — ravens and crows, for example, drop nuts onto flat rocks to crack the shells — and nearly all corvids seem to have a knack for solving physical problems.. Parts of the brain that evolved earlier than 300 million years ago, such as the primitive structures in the brainstem that control basic bodily functions, look the same in most animals, including primates and corvids.. That such distantly related animals with such different brains could evolve such similar abilities is surprising, but when two different species face similar evolutionary pressures, natural selection can lead to similar traits.. At some point, biologists say, the ancestor of today’s corvids must have found itself in an ecological niche where intelligence boosted the odds of survival, so corvid brains evolved with cognitive abilities similar to those of primates.. The network of connections between areas of the brain looks very similar in corvids and primates, and one recently published paper compared bird and primate brains to Apple and PC computers.

New len 540, Original len 1992
Top 5 words by count: autistic, autism, people, Markram, Kai

Top 5 nouns by vec magnitude: people, autism, world, markram, child

Top 5 verbs by vec magnitude: see, want, know, try, think

For Top 5 Nouns

Similar to people: people, child., child

Top 3 preceedings for people: Concepts: autistic, stress, claim. | Index: autistic, early, safe.

Top 3 post/next words for people: Concepts: score, fought, can’t | Index: day, hit, maia


Similar to autism: autism, view, indifference.

Top 3 preceedings for autism: Concepts: biologically, unlock, severe | Index: of, differently, kalahari

Top 3 post/next words for autism: Concepts: research., models., spectrum | Index: observation


Similar to world: world, world.

Top 3 preceedings for world: Concepts: intense, hell | Index: intense, visitor, insights.

Top 3 post/next words for world: Concepts: theory., postulate, dovetail | Index: free, deaf, total


Similar to markram: markram, population, condition

Top 3 preceedings for markram: Concepts: henry, water, interpretation | Index: the, unlike, endemic

Top 3 post/next words for markram: Concepts: explains., claim., says. | Index: be, behind, says.


Similar to child: child, people, savant

Top 3 preceedings for child: Concepts: maltreat, anti-romantic, experiment | Index: autistic, walk, early

Top 3 post/next words for child: Concepts: intervene, automatically, describe | Index: day, high-performance, hit



top 7 bigram keywords: autistic people, intense world, Markram says, Markram says, autistic children, VPA rats, autism is

Top possibly of interest: autistic people, FIRST PUBLICATION of their intense world, autistic child, “ intense world ” syndrome, VPA rat in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, autistic children and, people on the spectrum

Top ngrams: people can’t imagine autism, people become distressed more, people feel too much, people have brain, Markrams decided autistic social, people can’t understand typical, autism is abnormal brain

Ents No Case:
LOC: 1999., Austria, Autism Research Centre, Cambridge University, Charlotte, EPFL, Frontiers, Groden Center, India, Israel, Kai, Kai ’s, Kalahari, Kali, Lake Geneva, Lausanne, Max Planck Institute, Rehovot, Rhode Island, San Francisco, Silicon Valley, South African, VPA, Willingham, they’ve, ’s,

MISC: 26., A Latin, A RECENT VISIT, Boy Whose Brain Could Unlock, Brain Project, C, DSM III, DSM-5, English, F class, Facebook | Subscribe, For Kai, German, Hebrew, Intense World, Israeli, Kai, Kai Markram, Kai ’s, Lausanne, MARKRAM THOUGHT Kai, MARKRAMS’, Markram ’s, Markram ’s Human Brain Project, Matthew Belmonte, Maybe Kai ’s, Once Kai, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Sally-Anne, Smarter About People Who Think Differently, Spectrum Disorder, The, The 1988 Dustin Hoffman film Rain Man, The Anti-Romantic Child, Thinking In Pictures, Twitter | Like us, intense-world, our, , Applied Behavior Analysis, ’m, ’s, , Everybody, For, It, It ’s, My rapper, Our, People, To, You, His, Kamila, Markram, • Kindle •

ORG: Autistic Self Advocacy Network, Ferrari, Ford, Germany ’s Max Planck Institute, KLM, Kai Markram ’s, Kai ’s, MARKRAMS ARE, Markram, National Institutes of Health, New York Times, Poland for West Germany, SAP, SFN, Society for Neuroscience, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, The Doors, University College London, University of California, University of Cape Town, University of Montreal, VPA, Weizmann Institute, Yale, Yale Child Study Center, , Situations, The

PER: Alan Leslie, Anne, Ari Ne’eman, Asperger, Belmonte, Benjamin, Benjamin ’s, Benjamin, Bert Sakmann, Chuck Taylor, Darrin Vanselow, Emily Willingham, Europe ’s $1.3, Gilman, HENRY MARKRAM, Henry, Henry Markram, Henry Markram ’s, Henry ’s, He’d, IMAGINE, Jack Stewart, Kai, Kai ’s, Kali, Kamila, Kamila Markram, Kamila Senderek, Kamila ’s, Kyla Jones, Laurent Mottron, Linoy, MARKRAMS, Maia, Maia Szalavitz, Mark Horowitz, Markram, Merzenich, Michael Merzenich, Mottron, Mottron ’s, Ne’eman, Olivia, Priscilla Gilman, Sakmann, Sally, Sally ’s, Sally, Simon Baron-Cohen, Steve Silberman, Tania Rinaldi, Temple Grandin, Tim Heffernan, Uta, Uta Frith, VPA, Weizmann, he’d, hoodie, hyperlexia, mind’, she’d, , ‘If, ‘Mommy, ’, ’, ’m, ’s, , Anne, I, , Kai, Kamila, Markram, Ne’eman, Priscilla Gilman, Markram

Ents Yes Case:
LOC: Anat, Austria, Autism Research Centre, Barkat, Cambridge University, Charlotte, Depakote, Europe ’s, Frontiers, Groden Center, India, Israel, Kai, Kai Markram, Kai ’s, Kalahari, Lake Geneva, Lausanne, Markram ’s, Markrams, Matter, Max Planck Institute, Neuroscience, Poland, Rehovot, Rhode Island, San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Temple Grandin, Willingham

MISC: 11, 1991 Nobel, 26., 3-D, Anat, Autism Spectrum Disorder, BEING BORN, C, D, DSM-5, English, Everybody, F class, FAMILIES, FIRST PUBLICATION, Facebook | Subscribe, Fulbright, German, Germany ’s Max Planck Institute, Hebrew, Human Brain Project, III, IT MIGHT FEEL, Intense World, Israeli, Kai ’s, Kali, Latin, MARKRAMS ARE NOW, MARKRAMS RECOGNIZED, MET HIS, Markram, Markrams, Markrams’, Maybe Kai ’s, NeuroTribes, Once Kai, Proceedings of, RECENT VISIT, Rain Man, SFN, Sally-Anne, Social, South African, Tania Rinaldi Barkat, The, The 1988 Dustin Hoffman, The Anti-Romantic Child, Thinking In Pictures, Thinking Smarter About People Who Think Differently, Twitter | Like, VPA, VPAs, WAS WRONG, mind’, , ‘Mommy, ’s, , Back, For, If, It, People, She, The, We, You, His, Kai, Kamila

ORG: Autistic Self Advocacy Network, CONFIRMATION BIAS, EPFL, FIRST, Ferrari, Ford, Frontiers, KLM, Markram, National Academy of Sciences, National Institutes of Health, New York Times, SAP, SCIENCE, SFN, Society for Neuroscience, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, TALL, THOUGHT Kai, The Doors, University College London, University of California, University of Cape Town, University of Montreal, VPA, Weizmann, Weizmann Institute, West Germany, Yale, Yale Child Study Center, Applied Behavior Analysis, ’ll, Situations, Markram

PER: 1999. Colleague Michael Merzenich, Alan Leslie, Anne, Ari Ne’eman, Asperger, Barkat, Belmonte, Benjamin, Benjamin ’s, Benjamin, Bert Sakmann, Chuck Taylor, Darrin Vanselow, Emily Willingham, Gilman, Henry, Henry Markram, Henry Markram ’s, Henry ’s, Jack Stewart, Kai, Kai Markram ’s, Kai ’s, Kamila, Kamila Markram, Kamila Senderek, Kamila ’s, Kyla Jones, Laurent Mottron, Linoy, Maia, Maia Szalavitz, Mark Horowitz, Markram, Markram ’s, Markram ’s Human Brain Project, Matthew Belmonte, Merzenich, Mottron, Mottron ’s, Ne’eman, Olivia, Priscilla Gilman, Sakmann, Sally, Sally ’s, Simon Baron-Cohen, Steve Silberman, Temple Grandin, Tim Heffernan, Uta Frith, you’ve, Markram, ’m, ’s, , Anne, Biologically, He, I, Sally, , Kamila, Markram, Priscilla Gilman,

Top 5 nouns Method RRI: people, markram, world, brain, child
Top 5 verbs Method RRI: see, know, cause, become, learn

people verbalize/hire/fought is...incredible, potential, testable
Similar: people, uncare, unquestionably, number, lower

markram insist/observe/forget is...ready, open, gentle
Similar: markram, claim, ready, tease, corner

world correct/account/invalidate is...intense, immediate, practical
Similar: world, intense, critique, dovetail, postulate

brain keep/investigate/start is...relevant, $1.3, sensitive
Similar: brain, architecture, chemistry, microprocessor, particularly

child revel/engage/allow is...empathetic, late, autistic
Similar: child, trouble, empathetic, late, revel

Summary: , autistic people are also frequently. , autistic people take. Both autistic people. Intense world theory confronts the stigmatizing stereotypes that have framed autistic strengths. autistic people. autistic people are uncaring. autistic people are “ taking it all. autistic people ca n't understand typical people ’s points. autistic people can learn to filter the blizzard. autistic people could never really see. autistic people do have a number. autistic people feel too much and sense too much. autistic people have brain deficits. autistic people have difficulty knowing. autistic people have incredible unrealized potential. autistic people have intelligence that may not be easily testable. autistic people might engage. autistic people score lower. autistic people who want to fight the stigma. called affective empathy — autistic people are. has already done autistic people a great service. many autistic people ca n't verbalize their needs. other autistic people fought to get sensory problems added. some autistic people is caused. that autistic people become distressed. the German software firm SAP announced plans to hire 650 autistic people. unquestionably autistic people

New len 171, Original len 7651

Top phrases:
* autistic people ca n't understand typical people ’s points
* the German software firm SAP announced plans to hire 650 autistic people
* autistic people feel too much and sense too much
* autistic people have brain deficits
* autistic people have difficulty knowing

phrase summ: autistic people ca n't understand typical people ’s points: has already done autistic people a great service/called affective empathy — autistic people are/loved to hug people; is..classically autistic, as awkward, even traumatic the German software firm SAP announced plans to hire 650 autistic people: to be autistic/has an autistic son/worries autistic leaders; autistic people feel too much and sense too much: captures other paradoxical autistic traits/seeking to understand what drives autistic actions/detecting and manipulating complex systems is an autistic strength; is..very difficult autistic people have brain deficits: to investigate the brain/model the brain/studying the brain; autistic people have difficulty knowing: to know/know she was/do n't know what to do;

Top 5 nouns Method RRI: autism, markram, people, brain, world
Top 5 verbs Method RRI: know, learn, see, think, cause

autism told/transform/prove is...basic, unitary, sweet
Similar: autism, deficit, implication, aspect, university

markram start/come/running is...inhibitory, gentle, subjective
Similar: markram, start, henry, work, graduate

people verbalize/taken/misled is...autistic, emotional, valuable
Similar: people, autistic, pain, emotional, valuable

brain felt/tune/miss is...hyper-responsive, human, sensitive
Similar: brain, actually, hyper-responsive, data, human

world argue/account/deal is...intense, many, incompatible
Similar: world, intense, neglect, theory, weakness

Summary: They found that autistic children are late to develop the ability to distinguish between what they know themselves and what others know—something that other children learn early on.. While typical children automatically adopt Sally’s point of view and know she was out of the room when Anne hid the marble, autistic children have much more difficulty thinking this way.. But while the Sally-Anne experiment shows that autistic people have difficulty knowing that other people have different perspectives—what researchers call cognitive empathy or “theory of mind”—it doesn’t show that they don’t care when someone is hurt or feeling pain, whether emotional or physical.. And accounts by unquestionably autistic people, like bestselling memoirist and animal scientist Temple Grandin, raised similar challenges to the notion that autistic people could never really see beyond themselves.. If autistic babies tune out when overwhelmed, their social and language difficulties may arise not from damaged brain regions, but because critical data is drowned out by noise or missed due to attempts to escape at a time when the brain actually needs this input.. The idea was that the apparently superior perception exhibited by some autistic people is caused by problems with higher level brain functioning—and it had historically been dismissed as mere“splinter skills,” not a sign of genuine intelligence.. His own and other studies showed superior performance by autistic people not only in “low level” sensory tasks, like better detection of musical pitch and greater ability to perceive certain visual information, but also in cognitive tasks like pattern finding in visual IQ tests.. Simon Baron-Cohen, who directs the Autism Research Centre at Cambridge University, told me, “I am open to the idea that the social deficits in autism—like problems with the cognitive aspects of empathy, which is also known as ‘theory of mind’—may be upstream from a more basic sensory abnormality.. “There are elements of the intense world theory that better match up with autistic experience than most of the previously discussed theories,” says Ari Ne’eman, president of the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, “The fact that there’s more emphasis on sensory issues is very true to life.. ” Ne’eman and other autistic people fought to get sensory problems added to the diagnosis in DSM-5 — the first time the symptoms have been so recognized, and another sign of the growing receptiveness to theories like intense world.. Steve Silberman, who is writing a history of autism titled NeuroTribes: Thinking Smarter About People Who Think Differently, says, “We had 70 years of autism research [based] on the notion that autistic people have brain deficits.. When someone else’s pain becomes too unbearable to witness, even typical people withdraw and try to soothe themselves first rather than helping—exactly like autistic people.. At least one study supports this idea, showing that while autistic people score lower on cognitive tests of perspective-taking—recall Anne, Sally, and the missing marble—they are more affected than typical folks by other people’s feelings.. As the Markrams see it, if autism results from a hyper-responsive brain, the most sensitive brains are actually the most likely to be disabled by our intense world.. The problem may not be that autistic people can’t understand typical people’s points of view—but that typical people can’t imagine autism.. They see it as wishful thinking, offering false hope to parents who want to see their children in the best light and to autistic people who want to fight the stigma of autism.. “The maxim is, ‘If you’ve seen one person with autism, you’ve seen one person with autism,’” says Matthew Belmonte, an autism researcher affiliated with the Groden Center in Rhode Island.. But whether or not the intense world accounts for all or even most cases of autism, the theory already presents a major challenge to the idea that the condition is primarily a lack of empathy, or a social disorder.. And Henry Markram, by trying to take his son Kai’s perspective—and even by identifying so closely with it—has already done autistic people a great service, demonstrating the kind of compassion that people on the spectrum are supposed to lack.

New len 707, Original len 7651
Top 5 words by count: more, http, social, one, such

Top 5 nouns by vec magnitude: self, data, kind, university, york

Top 5 verbs by vec magnitude: try, need, want, see, become

For Top 5 Nouns

Similar to self: self, tool

Top 3 preceedings for self: Concepts: construct, ‘data, algorithmic | Index: algorithmic, network, premack

Top 3 post/next words for self: Concepts: balkinization, commit, comprehensively | Index: setting


Similar to data: data, investor, ingenuity

Top 3 preceedings for data: Concepts: big, enough, robotic | Index: consciously, 27, the

Top 3 post/next words for data: Concepts: controllers., brokers., collection | Index: and, characterize, internal


Similar to kind: kind, substitution, array

Top 3 preceedings for kind: Concepts: letter, nothing, human | Index: a, store, mind-alter

Top 3 post/next words for kind: Concepts: develop, distraction., surveillance. | Index: of, access, alternet


Similar to university: university, type, source

Top 3 preceedings for university: Concepts: harvard, georgetown, berkeley | Index: people, caregiving, society

Top 3 post/next words for university: Concepts: press, website, line | Index: of, press, //


Similar to york: york, mild, inquiry

Top 3 preceedings for york: Concepts: new, analytic, iowa | Index: new, stamp, alzheimer’

Top 3 post/next words for york: Concepts: university’, norton, columbia | Index: yoga, brag, random



top 7 bigram keywords: http www, e g, New York, Rob Horning, Hedgehog Review, Big Data, University Press

Top possibly of interest: feedback and control mechanisms of Big Data, Blog Theory : Feedback and Capture in the, sociotechnical system : Particular political economies, prove a kind of background noise with, of human skill with computer mediation, effect of “ bombshell ” surveillance, easy hybridization of social

Top ngrams: people seek more ways, instance assimilate more learning, spans undermine more complex, portends is far more, interests strike more deals, Self sees excessive engagement, http www alternet

Ents No Case:
LOC: 2013, CT, Cambridge, Evangelii Gaudium, Fat, Grandma, Hanover, MA, Modern America, NH, New Haven, New York, Pavlok wristband, Random House, Salt, Silicon Valley, South America, Sugar, US, Us, Vatican,,, self-worth, , Teens,

MISC: 11, 14 Like Max Weber ’s, 17 | Issue 1, 1984. In Shteyngart ’s fictive, 2013 film Her, 22 Marketers, 25, 29, 31, 34, 35, 37 While apps, 8 Videos, 8., A Little, A Lot of ) Success in America, A New Theory of Modernity, A Preface to Morals, A.I., Americans, Blog Theory : Feedback and Capture, Boston : Beacon Press, British, Catholic, Causal Cognition : A Multidisciplinary Debate, Click Here, Code, Crisis of Communal, Democratic, Democratic Negotiations of Political Paradox, Drive, England : Clarendon Press, Facebook, Facebook ’s, Facebook ’s Research Guidelines : Respect for Its Users, Facial Recognition, First, First Amendment, Gmail, Google, Google ’s, Hedgehog Review : Spring, Hedgehog Review : Vol, History, How Quantification Prescribes Social Interaction, Internet, Jesuit podcast Pray as You Go, LinkedIn, London, MA :, MA : Harvard University Press, Malden, Miran Bozovic, My Real Baby, New York, New York : Random House, No. 1, Panopticon, Paro, Protest, Rabbit, Recorded Future, Republican, Resisting, Self, Self : Law, Self : The Making of the Modern Identity, Shadow of, Sociopaths, Spring 2015, Stop Using Facebook Even Though They Hate It, Stop Using Facebook Even Though They Hate It. ” 26, Super Sad True Love Story, Super Sad True Love Story : A Novel, SuperVision : An Introduction to the Surveillance Society, Taylor ’s, Technology, That, The, The Black Box Society : The Secret Algorithms That Control Money and Information, The Cultural Logic of Computation, The Glass Cage, The Glass Cage : Automation, The Hedgehog Review, The Hedgehog Review 17.1, The Hypomanic Edge, The Identities of Persons, The Link Between, The Panopticon Writings, The Road to Serfdom, The Simulation of Surveillance : Hypercontrol in Telematic Societies, To Save Everything, Twitter, Vatican City, Web, Who We, Wild West of data, archaism of, cyber-vertigo, eds,,,,,,, iPhone, of Everyday Practice, services’ Squeaky Dolphin, users’, , , ‘Data Self, ’ ” The New Inquiry, ’s, , Artificial Intelligence at Fifty : From Building Intelligence, Computers Are Getting Better than Humans, Groundhog Date, Like, Notes on The Glass Cage, Postscript, Responsibility, Seeking : How the Brain Hard-Wires Us to Love Google, The Anxieties of Big Data, The Looping Effects of Human Kinds, The Perfected Self, The Psychological Dark Side of Gmail : Google, Today ’s Apps Are Turning Us, Vox Populi Risk, What Do Metrics Want, You, attuners, machinic, , Alternet, Computational Culture, It, Modern Intellectual History 6, Paro Robots USA, ReadWrite, The Atlantic, The New Inquiry, Wired, Without

ORG: Berkeley, Big Data, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, Chicago, Circuits, Columbia University Press, Congress, Culture, Dartmouth Artificial Intelligence Conference, Diagnostic, Disease Control and Prevention, Georgetown University, Harvard University Press, Human Sciences, Institute for Advanced Studies, Iowa State University, LinkedIn, MIT Initiative, Manual of Mental Disorders,, National Security Agency, New York University ’s Information Law Institute, Oxford, Public Affairs, Samaritans Radar, Secret Service, Social Acceleration, Societies of Control, Starbucks, Tech, Tobacco, Transportation Security Administration, University of California Press, University of Chicago Press, University of Maryland, University of Minnesota Press, University of Pennsylvania, Yale, Yale University, apps, para, Economy, ’s, Big Data, Fast Stats, Gamifying Control of the Scored Self, Health, One Thing Is Missing, Surveillance, Conference on Public Health, Huffington Post, The New Inquiry

PER: 87. Rosa, Alan Watts, Allen, Alzheimer ’s, Amélie Oksenberg, Anita Allen, Anita Allen ’s, Ann James Premack, Ben Grosser, Bianca Bosker, Carr, Charles Taylor, Christian Rudder, Cohen, Cohen ’s, Dalai Lama, Dan Sperber, David Golumbia, David H, David Premack, Emily Yoffe, Evan Selinger, Evgeny Morozov, Foucault, Francis, Francis ’s, Frank Pasquale, Freedman, Friedrich Hayek, Gartner, Gary Shteyngart, George Orwell, Gilles Deleuze, Groundhog Date, Hartmut Rosa, Hayek, Ian Hacking, Jeremy Bentham, Jeremy Bentham ’s, Jodi Dean, Joel Isaac, John D, John Gilliom, Julie Cohen, Kate Crawford, Kelly Brownell, Michael Moss, Nicholas Carr, Norberto Andrade, Norton, OkCupid ’s, Paracelsus, Paro, Read, Reynol Junco, Rob, Rob Horning, Roman Catholic Church, Rosa, Selena Larson, Sherry Turkle, Shteyngart, Theory, Torin Monahan, Turkle, Walter Lippmann, William Bogard, William Connolly, Yasha Levine, aeternitatis, gordian,, quotidian, , ’s, , I, , Slate

Ents Yes Case:
LOC: Big Data, CT, Cambridge, Circuits of Drive, Evangelii Gaudium, Fat, Grandma, Hanover, Malden, Modern America, New Haven, New York, Pavlok, Random House, Salt, Silicon Valley, South America, Sugar, US, Vatican City, Vatican Press, ,

MISC: 13, 1929, 26, 29, 35 We, 8. First, A Little, A Lot of, A Preface to Morals, A.I., Americans, App, Architecture, Behavior, Black Friday, Blog Theory : Feedback, Boston : Beacon Press, British, Capture, Catholic, Causal Cognition : A Multidisciplinary Debate, Children, Click Here, Clickhole, Code, Configuring the Networked Self : Law, Craziness, Democratic, Democratic Negotiations of Political Paradox, Diagnostic, England : Clarendon Press, Facebook, Facebook ’s, Facebook ’s Research Guidelines : Respect for Its Users, Facebookers, Facebooking, Facial Recognition, First Amendment, Furby, Gmail, Google, Google ’s, Groundhog Date, Hayek ’s, Hedgehog Review : Spring, Hedgehog Review : Vol, Her, History, Horning, How Quantification Prescribes Social Interaction on Facebook, Humans, In Shteyngart ’s, Information, Internet, Klout, LinkedIn, London : Verso, MA, MA : Polity, Max Weber ’s Calvinists, Memory, Mental Commitment Robot, My Real Baby, Net, New York, New York : Norton, New York : Random House, Obesity, Overweight, Panopticon — “ Morals, Paro, Paro Robots USA, Pavlovian, Play of Everyday Practice, Pray as You Go, Recorded Future, Republican, Samaritans Radar, Scored Self, Self, Self : The Making of the Modern Identity, Shadow of, Shteyngart ’s, Social Acceleration : A New Theory of Modernity, Sociopaths, Spell of Mesmeric, Spring 2015, Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Strong, Success in America, Super Sad True Love Story, Super Sad True Love Story : A Novel, SuperVision : An Introduction, Taylor ’s, Telematic Societies, Thanksgiving, The Black Box Society : The Secret Algorithms That Control Money, The Cultural Logic of Computation, The Glass Cage, The Glass Cage : Automation, The Hedgehog Review, The Hedgehog Review 17.1, The Hypomanic Edge : The Link Between, The Identities of Persons, The Panopticon Writings, The Road to Serfdom, The Simulation of Surveillance : Hypercontrol, Theory, To Save Everything, Twitter, Us, Velveteen Rabbit, Videos, Web, Wild West, ed, iPhone, services’ Squeaky Dolphin, Issue 1, 70, , ‘Data Self, ’ ” The New Inquiry, ’s, , Amid the Crisis of Communal Commitment, Artificial Intelligence at Fifty : From Building Intelligence to Nurturing Sociabilities, Can, Computers Are Getting Better, Does, Fast Stats, Groundhog Date, Is, Like, Notes, Notes on The Glass Cage, One Thing Is Missing, Postscript, Responsibility, Seeking : How the Brain Hard-Wires Us to Love Google, Teens Ca n't Stop Using Facebook Even Though They Hate It, Teens Ca n't Stop Using Facebook Even Though They Hate It., The Anxieties of Big Data, The Looping Effects of Human Kinds, The Psychological Dark Side of Gmail : Google, This, Vox Populi Risk, What, What Do Metrics Want, You, , Computational Culture, Modern Intellectual History 6, ReadWrite, The Atlantic, The New Inquiry, Wired

ORG: Berkeley, Cambridge University Press, Chicago, Columbia University Press, Congress, Culture, Dartmouth Artificial Intelligence Conference, Disease Control and Prevention, Fail, Georgetown University, Harvard University Press, Human Sciences, Institute for Advanced Studies, Iowa State University, Jesuit, LinkedIn, MIT Initiative on Technology,, National Security Agency, New York University ’s Information Law Institute, No., Obesity, Public Affairs, Resisting, Secret Service, Self, Societies of Control, Sources, Starbucks, Surveillance Society, Tobacco, Transportation Security Administration, University of California Press, University of Chicago Press, University of Maryland, University of Minnesota Press, University of Pennsylvania, Yale, Yale University, Economy, Big Data, Gamifying Control of, Health Behaviors, Surveillance, , Conference on Public Health, Huffington Post

PER: Alan Watts, Allen, Alzheimer ’s, Amélie Oksenberg Rorty, Anita Allen, Anita Allen ’s, Ann James Premack, Ben Grosser, Bianca Bosker, Carr, Charles Taylor, Charles Taylor ’s, Christian Rudder, Cohen, Cohen ’s, Cohen ’s Networked Self, Configuring the Networked Self, Dalai Lama, Dan Sperber, David Golumbia, David H, David Premack, Emily Yoffe, Evan Selinger, Evgeny Morozov, Francis, Francis ’s, Frank Pasquale, Freedman, Friedrich Hayek, Friedrich Hayek ’s, Gary Shteyngart, George Orwell ’s, Gilles Deleuze, Hartmut Rosa, Hayek, Horning, Ian Hacking, Jeremy Bentham, Jeremy Bentham ’s, Jodi Dean, Joel Isaac, John D, John Gilliom, Julie Cohen, Kate Crawford, Kelly Brownell, Michael Moss, Miran Bozovic, Nicholas Carr, Norberto Andrade, OkCupid, OkCupid ’s, Oxford, Paracelsus, Paraphrasing Foucault :, Paro, Read, Reynol Junco, Rob Horning, Roman Catholic Church, Rosa, Rosa ’s, Selena Larson, Sherry Turkle, Texting, Torin Monahan, Turkle, Walter Lippmann, William Bogard, William Connolly, Yasha Levine, , ’s, ’s Apps Are Turning Us, , I, Lifelogging, Reparative Compulsions, Tangled Loops, The Perfected Self, , Alternet, Balkinization, Slate

Top 5 nouns Method RRI: self, data, user, surveillance, behavior
Top 5 verbs Method RRI: need, try, make, want, see

self hurt/promote/adopt is...algorithmic, forthcoming, content
Similar: self, ‘data, commit, harm, quantify

data threaten/access/create is...subject, enough, intrusive
Similar: data, broker, subject, controller, big

user track/display/assimilate is...valuable, happy, minatory
Similar: user, valuable, happy, track, more

surveillance meant/become/stamp is...two-fold, exact, opposite
Similar: surveillance, spread, meant, endanger, employ

behavior channel/manipulate/avoid is...antisocial, inefficient, acceptable
Similar: behavior, antisocial, inefficient, once, accordingly

Summary: 3 App developers are pioneering behavioristic interventions to make calorie counting and exercise prompts automatic. A more realistic plot would suggest how. Robotic caregiving makes far more sense. The more such Internet users deploy “ do not track ” software. There are few experiences more anaesthetizing. There is something even more disturbing. a more informed consent process was either tacitly. algorithmic domination requires more. an ever more accelerated social world. any more humane social order could arise. assimilate more learning material. care workers themselves were more professionalized. certain users will see more happy posts. constant pressure to work more or. corporate media interests strike more deals. creating more flexible scheduling options and opportunities. it portends is far more frightening. its more minatory forms. more displays. more downbeat material. more intrusive data collection techniques are developed. more leisure time. more substantial “ sources. more “ flexible workers. more ” is. one more incremental step. people seek more ways to blend. short attention spans undermine more complex sources. social mores are adrift. the former is more complex. the more technical sense. the more they may avoid such negative targeting. the more unpredictable. there ’s more. they urge us to become more conscious. to make their users more valuable. we need more surprising. who need to be induced to buy more. who will now be monitored ever more closely

New len 221, Original len 7161

Top phrases:
* The more such Internet users deploy “ do not track ” software
* Robotic caregiving makes far more sense
* any more humane social order could arise
* one more incremental step
* Data scientists create these new human kinds even

phrase summ: The more such Internet users deploy “ do not track ” software: to make their users more valuable/assimilate more learning material/creating more flexible scheduling options and opportunities; is..far fetched Robotic caregiving makes far more sense: to use an adjective that makes sense only/change our sense/would the robotic seal appear a far less comparatively; is..less refined any more humane social order could arise: changing social norms/enables “ social networking ”/making some striking comparisons; one more incremental step: amasses around one person ’s account/want high ones/needs anchors; Data scientists create these new human kinds even: to create it/to create certain kinds/perfecting a new science; is..virtuous or vicious

Top 5 nouns Method RRI: self, data, surveillance, behavior, university
Top 5 verbs Method RRI: need, see, try, want, being

self see/promote/monitor is...algorithmic, cyber-vertigo, cheap
Similar: self, algorithmic, practice, mirror, cyber-vertigo

data access/create/assume is...urgent, whole, new
Similar: data, collection, scientist, inference, urgent

surveillance driving/become/resist is...cultural, critical, constant
Similar: surveillance, society, telematic, william, direction

behavior avoid/monitor/threaten is...antisocial, new, bad
Similar: behavior, avoid, capture, security, way

university monitor/being/see, indispensable, further
Similar: university, press, cambridge, professor, 1996

Summary: For example, Sherry Turkle, founder and director of the MIT Initiative on Technology and Self, sees excessive engagement with gadgets as a substitution of the “machinic” for the human—the “cheap date” of robotized interaction standing in for the more unpredictable but ultimately challenging and rewarding negotiation of friendship, love, and collegiality.. To negotiate contemporary algorithms of reputation and search—ranging from resumé optimization on LinkedIn to strategic Facebook status updates to OkCupid profile grooming—we are increasingly called on to adopt an algorithmic self, one well practiced in strategic self-promotion.. She wants to open up the conversation by describing the ways in which information control and monitoring hurt other “selves”: namely, socially constructed selves who do not merely try to insert themselves into markets and political processes, but who are constantly being influenced by the world around them.. As people seek more ways to blend in—be it through normcore [i.e., consciously ordinary] dressing or hardcore encryption—more intrusive data collection techniques are developed.. Cultural theorist Rob Horning dissects these paradoxes, identifying a “data self” that emerges through the process of “sharing, being shared, being on a social graph, having recommendations automated, [and] being processed by algorithms.. Social scientists have to play by Facebook’s rules to have access to the data they need—and we can probably assume that a more informed consent process was either tacitly or explicitly rejected as too much of an interference with the ordinary business of Facebooking.. Yet it is urgent that we try to do so, because data collection by Internet firms is creating whole new kinds of people—for marketers, for the National Security Agency, and for anyone with the money or connections to access the data and the inferences based on it.. More likely than not, encoded in Facebook’s database is some new, milder version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, with categories like “the slightly stingy,” who need to be induced to buy more, or “the profligate,” who need frugality prompts.. Data scientists create these new human kinds even while altering them, as “new sorting and theorizing induces changes in self-conception and in behavior of the people classified.. ” 35 We have had decades of policy arguing for more “flexible workers,” who can turn on a dime to meet any demand by employers (and who will now be monitored ever more closely to assure compliance).. 36 Yet without such opportunities to stand back from and reflect on our moment-by-moment bombardment with texts, tweets, e-mails, and status updates, it is, sub specie aeternitatis, hard to see how any more humane social order could arise.. “Strong evaluation,” in Taylor’s terms, requires us to classify desires as “higher or lower, virtuous or vicious, more or less fulfilling, more or less refined, profound or superficial, noble or base.. The more such Internet users deploy “do not track” software, the more they may avoid such negative targeting.. Hartmut Rosa, Social Acceleration: A New Theory of Modernity (New York: Columbia University Press, 2013), 87. Rosa writes that “strategies of slowdown may be indispensable presuppositions for the further acceleration of other processes.. On the level of the individual, one can count retreats at monasteries or courses in meditation, yoga techniques, and so on as belonging in this category insofar as they are meant in the end to serve the goal of coping with the swift-paced life of the workplace, relationships, or everyday routine even more successfully, i.e., faster, afterward.

New len 596, Original len 7161
Top 5 words by count: Eve, drug, compounds, new, screening

Top 5 nouns by vec magnitude: university, drug, compound, scientist, robot

Top 5 verbs by vec magnitude: make, learn, select, automate, speed

For Top 5 Nouns

Similar to university: university, department, live

Top 3 preceedings for university: Concepts: credit | Index: the, confirm, relatively

Top 3 post/next words for university: Concepts: protect, active | Index: of, target, benefit


Similar to drug: drug

Top 3 preceedings for drug: Concepts: exist, choose, early-stage | Index: compound, positives., early-stage

Top 3 post/next words for drug: Concepts: target., design., discovery | Index: discovery, candidate


Similar to compound: compound, mean

Top 3 preceedings for compound: Concepts: exclude, approve, 000 | Index: a

Top 3 post/next words for compound: Concepts: per, future, show | Index: that, she


Similar to scientist: scientist

Top 3 preceedings for scientist: Concepts: robot | Index: robot, clinical

Top 3 post/next words for scientist: Concepts: 'eve' | Index: be, them


Similar to robot: robot

Top 3 preceedings for robot: Concepts: intelligent | Index: knowledge, economical.

Top 3 post/next words for robot: Concepts: scientist, extensive | Index: scientist, cycle, hundred



top 7 bigram keywords: drug discovery, mass screening, machine learning, Robot scientists, robot scientist, team has, Chagas' disease

Top possibly of interest: robot scientist, fight against malaria, economic return make them, drug, scientific process, robot, Eve

Top ngrams: Eve uses statistics, Manchester says Every, year says Professor, cycle automating high-throughput, assays targeting key molecules, study published today, trials adds Professor

Ents No Case:

MISC: African, scientist'

ORG: Cambridge, Cambridge Systems Biology Centre, Department of Biochemistry, Interface, Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, Royal Society, Universities of Aberystwyth, University of Cambridge, University of Manchester

PER: 'Eve', Adam, Eve, Ross King, Steve Oliver

Ents Yes Case:
LOC: Cambridge, DHFR

MISC: African, Interface, Robot

ORG: Cambridge Systems Biology Centre, DHFR, Department of Biochemistry, Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, Royal Society, Universities of Aberystwyth, University of Cambridge, University of Manchester

PER: Adam, Eve, Ross King, Steve Oliver

Top 5 nouns Method RRI: drug, eve, compound, use, robot
Top 5 verbs Method RRI: make, inhibit, learn, develop, cause

drug inhibit/protect/attack is...small, urgent, key
Similar: drug, exist, mean, choose, inhibit

eve exclude/automate/select is...capable, artificial, toxic
Similar: eve, capable, artificial, exploit, intelligence

compound synthesise/exclude/pass is...high, such, toxic
Similar: compound, 10,000, investigate, previously, ability

use attack/protect/cause is...efficient, small, laboratory
Similar: use, efficient, attack, small, anti-cancer

robot boost/incorporate/help is...natural, intelligent, new
Similar: robot, scientist, extension, natural, suit

Summary: Artificially intelligent robot scientist 'Eve' could boost search. Drugs that inhibit this molecule are currently routinely used to protect. Eve is designed to automate early-stage drug design. a compound shown to have anti-cancer properties might also be used. an anti-cancer drug inhibits a key molecule known. an artificially-intelligent 'robot scientist' could make drug discovery faster. attack the parasites that cause them using small molecule drugs. new drugs is becoming increasingly more urgent. the robot can help identify promising new drug candidates

New len 81, Original len 852

Top phrases:
* Drugs that inhibit this molecule are currently routinely used to protect
* attack the parasites that cause them using small molecule drugs
* the robot can help identify promising new drug candidates
* an anti-cancer drug inhibits a key molecule known
* an artificially-intelligent 'robot scientist' could make drug discovery faster

phrase summ: Drugs that inhibit this molecule are currently routinely used to protect: attack the parasites that cause them using small molecule drugs/is used/run experiments using laboratory robotics; attack the parasites that cause them using small molecule drugs: make it more economical/to find a new antimalarial that targets DHFR/To improve this process; the robot can help identify promising new drug candidates: demonstrating a new approach/independently discover new scientific knowledge/increases the probability; an anti-cancer drug inhibits a key molecule known: say researchers writing/to automate/can be generated much faster; an artificially-intelligent 'robot scientist' could make drug discovery faster: select compounds that have a high probability/does not have the ability to synthesise such compounds/has the potential to improve the lives;

Top 5 nouns Method RRI: drug, compound, eve, malaria, use
Top 5 verbs Method RRI: develop, make, select, inhibit, learn

drug inhibit/becoming/protect, significant, parasite
Similar: drug, new, more, inhibit, even

compound select/being/learn, artificial, early
Similar: compound, library, assay, success, against

eve select/learn/being is...early-stage, active, artificial
Similar: eve, demonstrate, success, against, team

malaria know/inhibit/attack is...parasite, key, such
Similar: malaria, molecule, parasite, key, against

use inhibit/becoming/protect is...parasite, resistant, urgent
Similar: use, currently, against, more, over

Summary: In the study published today, they describe how the robot can help identify promising new drug candidates for malaria and neglected tropical diseases such as African sleeping sickness and Chagas' disease.. To test the viability of the approach, the researchers developed assays targeting key molecules from parasites responsible for diseases such as malaria, Chagas' disease and schistosomiasis and tested against these a library of approximately 1,500 clinically approved compounds .. Drugs that inhibit this molecule are currently routinely used to protect against malaria, and are given to over a million children; however, the emergence of strains of parasites resistant to existing drugs means that the search for new drugs is becoming increasingly more urgent.

New len 115, Original len 852
Top 5 words by count: AI, memory, Facebook, research, more

Top 5 nouns by vec magnitude: ai, computer, memory, facebook, research

Top 5 verbs by vec magnitude: create, use, give, publish, respond

For Top 5 Nouns

Similar to ai: ai, person, few

Top 3 preceedings for ai: Concepts: memory-based, entire, about memory-based | Index: a, ture

Top 3 post/next words for ai: Concepts: community., specialists globally., team | Index: last


Similar to computer: computer, step, system

Top 3 preceedings for computer: Concepts: instead, love, brainy | Index: love, give, neural

Top 3 post/next words for computer: Concepts: rely | Index: be, change ha, computers detect


Similar to memory: memory, system

Top 3 preceedings for memory: Concepts: long-term, short-term, biological | Index: long-term, a, take

Top 3 post/next words for memory: Concepts: component, component of, network | Index: with facebook, reassure, that


Similar to facebook: facebook, world, table

Top 3 preceedings for facebook: Concepts: co-author, join, baby | Index: the

Top 3 post/next words for facebook: Concepts: plan, demonstrate, first | Index: be, everything, said


Similar to research: research

Top 3 preceedings for research: Concepts: serious, developing parallel, corporate | Index: toddlers.

Top 3 post/next words for research: Concepts: firm, boom, institution | Index: scheme, the, at



top 7 bigram keywords: artificial intelligence, last year, few months, common sense, memory-based AI, New York, AI systems

Top possibly of interest: Facebook AI researcher, Facebook AI boss, crusade for the thinking machine, Google event, developing parallel research schemes, watches the pen arc, memory

Top ngrams: people use memory, help create software, day ask Facebook, a future bearing more resemblance, Science joined Facebook, Musk said last year, the machine makes occasional mistakes

Ents No Case:
LOC: Baidu, China ’s Baidu, Chinese, Excel, Hollywood, NYU, New York, Paris, Redwood Center, Silicon Valley, memory-based AI

MISC: Baidu, Bloomberg Anywhere, Facebook, Facebook 's Memory Networks, Facebook AI boss, Facebook AI researcher, Future of Life Institute, Google, Google+, Internet, LinkedIn Share, Little, Nature, Reddit Share, Terminator, The, memory-based, neuron, ta-da, , Before, From, It ’s, Just, Memory

ORG: CB Insights, Center for Data Science, Google, IBM, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, New York University, Silicon Valley AI lab, Stanford, Stanford University, Tesla Motors, University of California-Berkeley, University of Montreal,

PER: Andrew Ng, Bloomberg, Bruno Olshausen, Elon Musk, Geoff Hinton, Jason Weston, LeCun, Max Tegmark, Meia, Musk, Olshausen, Peter Norvig, Stephen Hawking, Turing Machine, Watson, Weston, Yann LeCun, Yoshua Bengio, pre-Newton, pre-Newtonian, , , I, , LeCun, Olshausen, Weston

Ents Yes Case:
LOC: Baidu, China ’s Baidu, Hollywood, Musk, New York, Norvig, Paris, Reddit Share, Redwood Center, Silicon Valley, Terminator, Theoretical Neuroscience

MISC: Chinese, Excel, Facebook, Facebook 's Memory Networks, Facebook AI, Future of Life Institute, Google, Internet, Memory, MetaMind, Nature, The Jetsons, cutting-edge Neural Turing Machine, pre-Newtonian, ’s, , We, What

ORG: 200, CB Insights, Center for Data Science, Google, Google DeepMind, IBM, LinkedIn Share, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, NYU, New York University, Stanford, Stanford University, Tesla Motors, University of California-Berkeley, University of Montreal

PER: Andrew Ng, Bloomberg, Bruno Olshausen, Clarifai, Geoff Hinton, Jason Weston, LeCun, Little, Max Tegmark, Meia, Musk, Olshausen, Peter Norvig, Vicarious, Watson, Weston, Yann LeCun, Yoshua Bengio, pre-Newton, ’re, , Elon Musk, Olshausen, Stephen Hawking

Top 5 nouns Method RRI: ai, facebook, memory, computer, google
Top 5 verbs Method RRI: create, use, give, think, publish

ai discuss/drive/read, memory-based, former
Similar: ai, equip, discuss, area, money

facebook find/chew/ask is...ongoing, first, major
Similar: facebook, join, boss, article, ongoing

memory use/respond/think is...biological, central, long-term
Similar: memory, biological, central, long-term, add

computer rely/detect/give is...brainy, capable, social
Similar: computer, rely, reason, everything, enough

google learn/help/discuss is...parallel, human, artificial
Similar: google, deepmind, try, geoff, hinton

Summary: AI equipped. AI has long been an area. AI startups last year. AI teams. AI that will let its electric cars drive themselves. AI to discuss how. An AI. Baidu 's Silicon Valley AI lab opened. December 2013 to run its AI group. Facebook and Google are trying to create artificial intelligence that mimics the human brain. Facebook said it is opening an AI lab. Google 's AI systems. Google and Facebook are developing parallel research schemes focused. Google says its own AI team numbers. Modern AI systems analyze images. The Chinese search giant employs about 200 AI specialists globally. a former AI head. an AI researcher. an AI startup. an AI startup named Vicarious. corporate AI labs has begun to make its way back. memory-based AI. memory-based AI last fall. memory-based AI software that can read articles. should let AI. tech money has pushed AI. the AI community. the Facebook AI boss. the Facebook AI researcher. thinking has spurred an AI arms race. trying to create AI. virtually the entire AI community has begun shifting

New len 176, Original len 1967

Top phrases:
* Facebook and Google are trying to create artificial intelligence that mimics the human brain
* corporate AI labs has begun to make its way back
* Facebook said it is opening an AI lab
* Baidu 's Silicon Valley AI lab opened
* the Facebook AI researcher

phrase summ: Facebook and Google are trying to create artificial intelligence that mimics the human brain: trying to create AI/joined Facebook/create a machine that can figure; corporate AI labs has begun to make its way back: should let AI/to play video games/saying memory systems are key; Facebook said it is opening an AI lab: has around 25 researchers led/to help create software that responds more naturally/to advance research; Baidu 's Silicon Valley AI lab opened: standing a pen/is doing complex video analysis/was put there; the Facebook AI researcher: ask broader/use memory/adding a memory component;

Top 5 nouns Method RRI: ai, facebook, memory, google, computer
Top 5 verbs Method RRI: create, use, publish, give, see

ai develop/comprehend/detect is...specific, good, former
Similar: ai, researcher, arm, decline, hundred

facebook hit/publish/answer is...memory-based, good, free
Similar: facebook, memory-based, weston, arm, boss

memory use/see/discern is...central, neural, biological
Similar: memory, use, reason, understanding, over

google built/modify/think is...specific, free, parallel
Similar: google, ai, university, baidu, try

computer give/develop/detect is...implicit, top, brainy
Similar: computer, world, give, pattern, journal

Summary: They’re spending billions of dollars to create machines that may one day possess common sense and to help create software that responds more naturally to users’ requests and requires less hand-holding.. This combination allows for an implicit understanding of the world to get “fried in” to the patterns computers detect from moment to moment, says Jason Weston, an AI researcher at Facebook.. On June 9, Facebook plans to publish a research paper detailing a system that can chew through several million pieces of data, remember the key points, and answer complicated questions about them.. Baidu's Silicon Valley AI lab opened in May 2014, and now has around 25 researchers led by Andrew Ng, a former AI head at Google.. Since then, AI equipped with a sort of short-term memory has helped Google set records in video and image analysis, as well as create a machine that can figure out how to play video games without instructions.. With Facebook's ongoing work on memory-based AI software that can read articles and then intelligently answer questions about their content, the social networking giant aims to create “a computer that can talk to you,” says Weston.. The organization brings together the world's top academics, researchers, and experts in economics, law, ethics, and AI to discuss how to develop brainy computers that will give us a future bearing more resemblance to The Jetsons than to Terminator.. Google and Facebook are developing parallel research schemes focused on memory-based AI, and they're publishing their papers to free academic repositories.. Google's cutting-edge Neural Turing Machine “can learn really complicated programs” without direction and can operate them pretty well, Peter Norvig, a director of research at Google, said in a talk in March.. Weston delivered a lecture at Stanford on May 11 to more than 70 attending students—with many more tuning in online—who were interested in learning more about Facebook's Memory Networks project.. ” LeCun co-wrote a paper in the science journal Nature on May 28, along with Google's Geoff Hinton and University of Montreal Professor Yoshua Bengio, saying memory systems are key to giving computers the ability to reason about the world by adjusting their understanding as they see things change over time.

New len 377, Original len 1967
Top 5 words by count: AI, more, people, EA, effective

Top 5 nouns by vec magnitude: ai, risk, altruist, people, altruism

Top 5 verbs by vec magnitude: save, give, exist, make, help

For Top 5 Nouns

Similar to ai: ai, movement, world

Top 3 preceedings for ai: Concepts: decrease, rebut, seed | Index: the, a

Top 3 post/next words for ai: Concepts: obsession., researcher, killing | Index: risk


Similar to risk: risk, researcher, obsession.

Top 3 preceedings for risk: Concepts: existential, ai, recoil | Index: ai, existential, human

Top 3 post/next words for risk: Concepts: panel, estimate, charity | Index: of


Similar to altruist: altruist, intervention., altruism

Top 3 preceedings for altruist: Concepts: effective, lethality. | Index: effective, maximum

Top 3 post/next words for altruist: Concepts: groups., explain, don | Index: potential, though


Similar to people: people

Top 3 preceedings for people: Concepts: serious, marginalize, part | Index:

Top 3 post/next words for people: Concepts: seek | Index: who, in, seek


Similar to altruism: altruism, intervention., altruist

Top 3 preceedings for altruism: Concepts: effective | Index: effective

Top 3 post/next words for altruism: Concepts: | Index: potential



top 7 bigram keywords: global poverty, AI risk, computer science, effective altruists, effective altruism, EA Global, Intelligence Research

Top possibly of interest: billion people, Repugnant Conclusion : the idea, interests of the movement, movement the, — the Future of, movement, about the world

Top ngrams: exist saves way more, EA is very white, intelligence is even possible, attendees said global poverty, the conference was artificial intelligence, years AI researchers, conference was artificial intelligence

Ents No Case:
LOC: Berkeley, Cambridge, EA, EA Global, Jaan Tallinn, Kazaa, LinkedIn Share, MIRI, Mars, Oakland, Oxford, Quad Campus, Silicon Valley, Thiel, Thiel Foundation

MISC: 0.00000000000000001. Or, 10^52, 3 quadrillion, Bostrom 's Future of Humanity Institute, Doom AI, Earth, Future of Life Institute, Google, Imagine, Mountain View, Repugnant Conclusion :, Risk, Spanish, Walmart, , the Future of Life Institute

ORG: 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001., Altruism, Black Death, Center, Google, Humane League, Humane Society of the United States', MIRI, Machine Intelligence Research Institute, Mercy for Animals, Starbucks, UC Berkeley,

PER: Andrew Ng, Bostrom, Cat Lavigne, Cooney, Daniel Dewey, Don Davis, EA, Elon Musk, GiveWell, Jeff Kaufman, Julia Wise, Kerry Vaughan, Lavigne, MIRI, Nate Soares, Nick Bostrom, Nick Bostrom, Nick Cooney, Oxford, Palantir, Pascal, Peter Thiel, Russell, Stuart Russell, Stuart Russell, Tesla Motors/SpaceX, That'd, meta, worriers,

Ents Yes Case:
LOC: Berkeley, Cambridge, EA, EA Global, Jaan Tallinn, Mars, Oakland, Oxford, Silicon Valley

MISC: 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001., 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001. If, 0.00000000000000001. Or, 2. Effective, Black Death, Don Davis, Doom AI, Earth, Effective Altruism Global, Elon Musk, Future of Humanity Institute, Future of Life Institute, Google 's Quad Campus, Kazaa, Mercy for Animals, Mountain View, Mugging, Musk, Oxford, PETA-style, Repugnant Conclusion :, Skype, Spanish, Study of Existential Risk, Superintelligence, Tesla Motors/SpaceX, Thiel Foundation, Walmart, X-risk, ,

ORG: Center, EA, EA Global, Google, Humane League, Humane Society of the United States', MIRI, Machine Intelligence Research Institute, Starbucks, UC Berkeley

PER: Andrew Ng, Bostrom, Cat Lavigne, Cooney, Daniel Dewey, Elon Musk, Jeff Kaufman, Julia Wise, Kerry Vaughan, Lavigne, Musk, Nate Soares, Nick Bostrom, Nick Bostrom, Nick Cooney, Palantir, Pascal, Peter Thiel, Russell, Stuart Russell, Stuart Russell, Thiel,

Top 5 nouns Method RRI: ai, risk, people, altruist, altruism
Top 5 verbs Method RRI: live, save, give, exist, help

ai killing/design/create is...clever, enough, friendly
Similar: ai, folk, killing, obsession, design

risk understand/cut/reduce is...worth, existential, clever
Similar: risk, panel, decrease, challenge, understand

people seek/bring/help is...actual, serious, innovative
Similar: people, woman, definitely, liberation, marginalize

altruist explain/hear/expand is...effective, social, useful
Similar: altruist, forward-think, remarkably, explain, hear

altruism trace/explain/hear is...effective, social, useful
Similar: altruism, ca, origin, trace, framework

Summary: 0.00000000000000001 percent can be expected to save 100 billion more lives. 10^52 , you've saved an expected 0.0000000000001 lives. humans who will ever live is more. the future exist saves way more lives. you've saved an expected 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 lives

New len 38, Original len 2692

Top phrases:
* 0.00000000000000001 percent can be expected to save 100 billion more lives
* the best way to save the world is to do computer science research
* the future exist saves way more lives
* effective altruists try to expand the movement
* think AI risk is a real challenge worth

phrase summ: 0.00000000000000001 percent can be expected to save 100 billion more lives: is more/getting more buy-in/to save the world; the best way to save the world is to do computer science research: ought to be doing computer science research is a great way to ensure/funding computer science research to forestall an artificial intelligence/is so great; the future exist saves way more lives: take more/exist today/get more people; is..far worse effective altruists try to expand the movement: To hear effective altruists explain it/expanding itself/think there 's a; think AI risk is a real challenge worth: think AI risk is a real challenge worth/to create an AI/to design a seed AI;

Top 5 nouns Method RRI: ai, risk, people, way, research
Top 5 verbs Method RRI: live, give, think, help, increase

ai increase/develop/make is...such, real, 10^52
Similar: ai, even, itwill, odds, very

risk live/reduce/save is...future, human, existential
Similar: risk, future, bostrom, human, live

people try/exist/fighting is...more, full, innovative
Similar: people, poverty, project, really, far

way increase/remain/need is...more, artificial, such
Similar: way, computer, increase, likelihood, very

research remain/mean/tackle is...artificial, friendly, general
Similar: research, intelligence, itwill, over, computer

Summary: Lavigne was addressing attendees of the Effective Altruism Global conference, which she helped organize at Google's Quad Campus in Mountain View the weekend of July 31 to August 2. Effective altruists think that past attempts to do good — by giving to charity, or working for nonprofits or government agencies — have been largely ineffective, in part because they've been driven too much by the desire to feel good and too little by the cold, hard data necessary to prove what actually does good.. For one thing, we have such profound uncertainty about AI — whether general intelligence is even possible, whether intelligence is really all a computer needs to take over society, whether artificial intelligence will have an independent will and agency the way humans do or whether it'll just remain a tool, what it would mean to develop a "friendly" versus "malevolent" AI — that it's hard to think of ways to tackle this problem today other than doing more AI research, which itself might increase the likelihood of the very apocalypse this camp frets over.. As Jeff Kaufman — a developer in Cambridge who's famous among effective altruists for, along with his wife Julia Wise, donating half their household's income to effective charities — argued in a talk about why global poverty should be a major focus, if you take meta-charity too far, you get a movement that's really good at expanding itself but not necessarily good at actually helping people.

New len 240, Original len 2692
Top 5 words by count: creativity, more, cerebellum, brain, creative

Top 5 nouns by vec magnitude: cerebellum, creativity, brain, activity, study

Top 5 verbs by vec magnitude: think, draw, drawing, mess, measure

For Top 5 Nouns

Similar to cerebellum: cerebellum,, cerebellum.

Top 3 preceedings for cerebellum: Concepts: human, evidence | Index: the

Top 3 post/next words for cerebellum: Concepts: traditionally, medicine, assign | Index: involve


Similar to creativity: creativity

Top 3 preceedings for creativity: Concepts: business, measure, high | Index: high, of, simply

Top 3 post/next words for creativity: Concepts: score, underlie | Index:


Similar to brain: brain, study., cerebellum

Top 3 preceedings for brain: Concepts: subjects', unexpected | Index: the, of

Top 3 post/next words for brain: Concepts: allow, via, process | Index: 30, high


Similar to activity: activity, occur, professorship

Top 3 preceedings for activity: Concepts: heighten, low, reduce | Index: team, heighten

Top 3 post/next words for activity: Concepts: throughout, imaging., idea | Index: in, model


Similar to study: study, brain, first

Top 3 preceedings for study: Concepts: previous, new, previously | Index: the

Top 3 post/next words for study: Concepts: mostly, humor, senior | Index: also



top 7 bigram keywords: Saggar said, d school, creativity scores, MRI chamber, Saggar said, task performance, were associated

Top possibly of interest: brain-based physiology of creativity, the human cerebellum, monkey cerebellum, centers the parts of the brain, Manish Saggar, decent scan but, regions of the cortex

Top ngrams: outcomes involves more activity, researchers tie unexpected brain, tie unexpected brain, the cerebellum is the coordination, cerebellum has robust connections, the brain's higher movement-control center, areas were more active

Ents No Case:
LOC: Hawthorne, MD, cerebellum

MISC: 'Be, Creative Gym, Howard C, Scientific Reports, brain-based, sketchpad

ORG: Behavioral Sciences, Emmy Award, Hasso Plattner Institute of Design, Hawthorne, MBA, MFA, MRI, School of Medicine, Stanford, Stanford Center for Cognitive and Neurobiological Imaging, Stanford University

PER: Adam Royalty, Allan Reiss, Grace Hawthorne, Hawthorne, Manish Saggar, Reiss, Robbins, Robert Dougherty, Royalty, Saggar, Stanford

Ents Yes Case:
LOC: Behavioral Sciences, Hawthorne, Pictionary

MISC: 'Be, 'Draw, Creative Gym, Howard C, Pictionary, Psychiatry, Reiss, Scientific Reports, practice-makes-perfect

ORG: Emmy Award, Hasso Plattner Institute of Design, MBA, MFA, Neurobiological Imaging, PhD, School of Medicine, Stanford, Stanford Center for Cognitive, Stanford University

PER: Adam Royalty, Allan Reiss, Grace Hawthorne, Hawthorne, Manish Saggar, Reiss, Robbins Professorship, Robert Dougherty, Saggar

Top 5 nouns Method RRI: creativity, brain, study, center, word
Top 5 verbs Method RRI: draw, measure, think, make, acquire

creativity flower/hamper/measure is...many, neurophysiological, high
Similar: creativity, flower, element, many, hamper

brain tie/found/acquire, subjects', higher-level
Similar: brain, practice-makes-perfect, executive-control, shift, especially

study show/baseline/give is...senior, previous, new
Similar: study, author, senior, lead, humor

center tie/found/know is...movement-control, higher-level, subjects'
Similar: center, movement-control, shift, part, executive-control

word 'draw/guess/help is...zigzag, neural, surprising
Similar: word, 'draw, guess, help, teammate

Summary: Higher creativity scores were associated. high creativity scores later assigned. high creativity scores subsequently assigned

New len 15, Original len 1195

Top phrases:
* the more frontally located cortical regions make initial attempts to acquire those behaviors
* greater effort to produce creative outcomes involves more activity
* subjects were asked to rate the words they'd been asked to draw
* high creativity scores subsequently assigned
* high creativity scores later assigned

phrase summ: the more frontally located cortical regions make initial attempts to acquire those behaviors: allowing other regions to be more efficient/perfects the behavior/doing much more; easy greater effort to produce creative outcomes involves more activity: to achieve creative outcomes/may have to reduce activity/recording activity; subjects were asked to rate the words they'd been asked to draw: drawing words/drawing a word correlated/drawing to help their teammates guess what the word is; is..particularly surprising high creativity scores subsequently assigned: may actually hamper creativity/may not be the best way to optimize your creativity/to measure; high creativity scores later assigned: actually do that/frequently have the best outcomes/commonly known;

Top 5 nouns Method RRI: creativity, brain, study, center, activity
Top 5 verbs Method RRI: draw, found, try, know, look

creativity enhance/measure/tie is...unexpected, high, many
Similar: creativity, enhance, unexpected, high, measure

brain found/show/tie is...critical, efficient, movement-control
Similar: brain, center, activity, part, found

study optimize/show/enhance is...creative, higher-level, deliberate
Similar: study, school, design, creative, researcher

center found/show/manage is...high, movement-control, critical
Similar: center, brain, part, activity, found

activity found/manage/organize is...efficient, enable, creative
Similar: activity, brain, center, executive-control, found

Summary: Investigators at Stanford University have found a surprising link between creative problem-solving and heightened activity in the cerebellum, a structure located in the back of the brain and more typically thought of as the body's movement-coordination center.. The new study, a collaboration between the School of Medicine and Stanford's Hasso Plattner Institute of Design, commonly known as the, is the first to find direct evidence that this brain region is involved in the creative process.. "We found that activation of the brain's executive-control centers -- the parts of the brain that enable you to plan, organize and manage your activities -- is negatively associated with creative task performance," said Reiss, who holds the Howard C.. At least 25 or 30 previous studies, mostly of professionally creative people such as jazz musicians and Emmy Award winners, have tried to look at neural correlates of creativity, said the study's lead author, Manish Saggar, PhD, an instructor in psychiatry and a member of the teaching team at the Newer studies show that, unlike the monkey cerebellum, the human cerebellum has robust connections not only to the motor cortex, the brain's higher movement-control center, but to the other parts of the cortex as well.. "While greater effort to produce creative outcomes involves more activity of executive-control regions, you actually may have to reduce activity in those regions in order to achieve creative outcomes.

New len 239, Original len 1195